About Us

Hi, my name is James and I have brought you Kimchiha's Water Stickers.

Several years ago, one of my mentors in life introduced me to the energetic frequencies of emotion, how they interacts with our minds, and therefore how they interact with our lives. After doing a couple mind blowing home experiments with houseplants and water, I started believing in this stuff.

A couple years later I quit my job and decided to start working for myself. I knew I had to create a product or a service that I believe in which also brings value to others. So I set about creating stickers, which bring harmony to the surfaces you stick them to.

How do they work?

Emotions have frequency

Each individual has an inherent vibrational frequency, a kind of subtle energy that they naturally resonate with. When we are at ease, this frequency tends to remain steady. However, when we experience emotions, our vibration shifts more rapidly. From the moment we are born, our emotions start to influence us, and our minds develop patterns of reaction to safeguard us. Over time, these reactions can form into habits, many of which are negative. As a result, negative emotions can accumulate, creating repeating cycles of unfavorable events and responses. We might find ourselves judging others, feeling like victims, or comparing ourselves, all of which lower our vibrational energy. By elevating our emotional state and approaching life from a place of love, we can have a positive effect on those around us and invite more joy and acceptance into our lives.

The molecular structure of water is affected by the vibrational frequencies of our thoughts, words and feelings. Our bodies are nearly 80% water.

The purpose of these stickers is to harmonize your water, essentially, to help harmonize your mind and body.

I have covered one of my water bottles with these stickers and every time that I drink the water out of the bottle, it feels good.

Maybe its placebo, maybe they’ve put something in the water, but I find it to be harmonising! And it feels good!

So I bring you these stickers to stick to whatever you like, your phone, your water bottle, your notebooks, just to put some high frequency vibrations in these materials. To ward off those negative thoughts, negative low frequency vibrations, and to bring some more harmony into your life the same way that this has brought harmony into mine, because in this modern day and age, there is a war going on for our thoughts and attention. We get bombarded with negative news, we get negative everything, there's a lot of self-doubt and anxiety around and we don't need those low frequency vibrations to be constantly occupying our mental space.

And so I would like to promote happy thoughts instead with these stickers.

I will be making more things in the future, but for now this is where it starts, this is the proof of concept. And I will be branching out from here on . 

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